Speaking Services
When dates will mesh with his personal and work schedule, Bryce Lambley is available for speaking engagements on a variety of topics.
He’s part of the Professional Bowhunters Society’s Speakers Bureau and has presented to the Nebraska Traditional Archers, Traditional Bowhunters of Montana, Traditional Bowhunters of Florida, Nebraska Bowhunters Association, United Bowhunters of Missouri, Bowhunters of Wyoming, United Bowhunters of Illinois, Michigan Traditional Bowhunters, and Colorado Traditional Archers Society.
We can work around whatever format you prefer, but a fun keynote address about bowhunting is one option, and can be combined with one of several seminars on whitetails. Other topics are also available upon inquiry.
He also teamed with Gene Wensel and Mike Mitten to give bowhunting seminars at the Scheels/Sitka Gear Kick-off Classic in Springfield, Ill. In addition, he has presented several seminars at the Nebraska Bowhunters Association Banquet.
He has spoken to many Fremont (Neb.) area civic and church groups in the past, as well as to several elementary school buildings, usually on Platte Valley wildlife topics. He has also presented on athletic and academic topics, giving the keynote to the North Bend Central (Neb.) Athletic Banquet and National Honor Society Induction, as well as serving as seminar guest at the Big Twelve Indoor Track Championships/Clinic in Lincoln, Neb. on the administration of an overall track program as a "team" sport.
For more information, contact him at bryce.lambley@yahoo.com

Seminar Guests at the 25th Annual United Bowhunters of Missouri Banquet weekend in 2012 were, from left, Nathan Andersohn of Colorado, T.J. Conrads of Idaho, and Bryce Lambley of Nebraska. The UBM puts on a great show and members were very supportive of My Neck of the Woods. Bryce presented on ‘Early Season Whitetail Tactics. ’

At left, I am flanked by Don Davis (left) and "Woody" (right) of the Traditional Bowhunters of Florida at their event in 2011. March in Florida is pretty hard to beat. ​

At right, I met Keith Dana of the Bowhunters of Wyoming in 2013. "Scout" and I are both big fans of Herb Meland Pronghorn longbows, and we also happened to kill timber wolves with them in 1992 (he in Alberta) and 1993 (myself in Manitoba).